Each year we took Bruno and Brandy for their yearly check ups and inoculations just before our summer holidays but little did we know that this year was going to be different.

We remember the date well it was 11th August 2004, and we were due to go on holiday to Devon in the caravan the next day.  I had noticed that his neck glands were inflamed and mentioned it to our local Riverside Vets, in Spalding.  She recommended a blood test and biopsy which were duly taken.

 Full of life yet so ill. You can see the shaved patch on his front legs were he had his chemo treatment.

The results showed he had Lymphoma.  The prognosis was that without treatment we could lose him in 2 months and with treatment, 6 months with luck.  We did not have him insured but that was not an issue.  My next question was "When do we start treatment?"

We delayed our holiday and he started a course of VINCRISTINE, CYCLOPHOSPHANIDE and PREDNISOLONE chemotherapy treatment.  The treatment took about 10 minutes during which Bruno was a star patient.  He would sit on the vets table while a nurse held his paw, his leg was shaved and the needle inserted, he would not move a muscle just looking to one side as if he did not like to see the needle go in.  Bruno continued like this until the needle was removed and a bandage placed on his leg.  Then he looked around as if to say "well do I get a biscuit?" and wagged his tail and licked the nurse.  It was heart wrenching to watch him being so calm whilst the treatment was given.

This treatment was to be given weekly so with the blessing of Julia our vet, we contacted Aubrey and Hazel our farmer friends in Devon who arranged with their vets (Jonathan Woods, Crediton) for us to continue treatment whilst we were on holiday.

Each time the treatment was given Bruno behaved exactly the same, always wanting a biscuit after treatment.  Over time the treatment went from weekly to two weekly then three weekly and onto four weekly.  All this time he was as active as a three year old, never missing a chance to go for a run, chase his ball or go for a swim after the swans.  He never slowed up and could even beat a greyhound to his ball.

He was full of energy and life. The only side effect he suffered was he lost a lot of his fur.

As it was now winter he was feeling the cold so we made him three jumpers to wear when we took him out for a run and at night. He would go and choose which of the jumpers he wanted to wear and bring it to us.

He is such a regular at the Riverside Vets, we swear he was in love with all the staff, especially Karon the receptionist. Bruno would pull on his lead to go into the surgery before jumping up at the counter to see her, then pulling on his lead into the consultation room and out into the treatment room, always wagging his tail and being happy, it was so upsetting to see him so happy but so ill. We often say that we have not told him that he is ill.